What is The Slanted Bookshelf?
The Slanted Bookshelf (TSB) is a library of carefully curated reading recommendations, made by readers, for readers like you! We conduct thorough research to compile the top books in your domain, then publish our reading lists to the public.
Our mission is to provide accurate and useful book reviews for a variety of topics. We also provide book lists from podcasts that don’t have show notes. These reading recommendations are designed to help you find the next great read that matches your personal situation. On this site, you will find “best of” book lists for certain topics, author reviews, and current events reading lists.
We are happy that you stopped by. Know that we take careful consideration of readers’ feedback to provide more of what they want. So if you have a specific topic you would like us to cover, please let us know.
Where is TSB based?
TSB is based in The Woodlands, Texas (a suburb in North Houston).
How does TSB make money?
We rely on affiliate commission to keep our website running and to pay our researchers. So if you decide to purchase a book from one of our reading lists, please make sure to use the link from the article. That way, we can keep providing recommendations at no extra cost to you!