All of the Awesome Books Mentioned on Catholic Stuff You Should Know Podcast

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CSYSK 2019 Books

Books mentioned on Catholic Stuff You Should Know Podcast

#464 Political Spin Class, Part 2.

October 2020

#462 Live at Legatus

October 2020

Principles of Catholic Theology
by Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger

#461 Protecting the Human Ecosystem : Prolegomena

October 2020

Infinite Jest
by David Foster Wallace

Crime and Punishment
by Fyodor Dostoevsky

The Count of Monte Cristo
by Alexandre Dumas

Pastores Dabo Vobis (Apostolic Exhortation)
by Pope John Paul II

#460 The Nuns with Spurs

October 2020

#457 Drinks After The Lord’s Day

September 2020

#456 1917 and The Power of the Superhuman Fatima Children

September 2020

Man at Play
by Hugo Rahner, S.J.

by Warren Carroll

A History of Christendom (Series)
by Warren Carroll

#455 Man At Play

August 2020

Man at Play
by Hugo Rahner, S.J.


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