All of the Awesome Books Mentioned on Catholic Stuff You Should Know Podcast

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Books mentioned on Catholic Stuff You Should Know Podcast

#426 Beren and Luthien

January 2020

A Song For Nagasaki
by Paul Glynn

Mulieries Dignitatem
by Pope St. John Paul II

#423 Subordination

January 2020

The Second Sex
by Simone de Beauvoir

Becoming Human
by Jean Vanier

#422 Competition Cult

January 2020

Becoming Human
by Jean Vanier

#420 God the Destroyer

December 2019

Razing the Bastions
by Hans Urs von Balthasar

#419 Maladie Catholique

December 2019

Principles of Catholic Theology
by Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger

#417 Mind the Gap

November 2019

The Christian State of Life
by Hans Urs von Balthasar

#415 The Meaning of Tradition

November 2019

The Meaning of Tradition
by Yves Congar

Fundamental Theology
by Guy Mansini

Faith Comes from What is Heard
by Lawrence Feingold

#413 A Diabolical Masterpiece

October 2019

The Church and the Scandal of the Sexual Abuse
by Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI

Letter to a Suffering Church
by Bishop Robert Barron

Priestly Spirituality
by Hans Urs von Balthasar

#411 Paideia

October 2019

The Religious Sense
by Luigi Giussani

Faith, The Font of Exegesis
by Ignacio Carbajosa


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